Thursday, January 31, 2008


A trip to the veterinarian

Well yesterday I wasn't feeling too well. I was fussy and crying all afternoon, and I think Mommy was getting worn out! She took me to see Grandpa Driever for a chiropractic adjustment, and then we had a nice long car ride (translation: nap!).

Mommy and Pepper and I drove to Dad's office to pick him up. Then we drove on out to Harrison to see Dr. Kirst. She operated on Pepper's knee a couple of months ago, and he had to go back for a follow-up visit. Dr. Kirst is a great vet, and she has great taste in babies! She offered to trade Mommy all three of her kids and twenty dollars in cash for me. But Dad said, "No teenagers!" So the deal was off.

There were lots of dogs at Dr. Kirst's office. It was really neat. She said Pepper is OK too, but he has arthritis.

We wanted to stop and see our friends in Harrison, but we had Pepper with us and he would be cold and lonely waiting in the car, so we headed back home instead.

Today it was really cold outside, so Mommy and I stayed in and got some rest. :-) And now I've had my bedtime snack and I'm heading off to bed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Back at home

Well I'm back at home tonight. Actually we got back late last night. OK technically it was VERY early this morning, but who's counting. I know you've been on the edge of your seat wondering what I've been doing -- let me catch you up:

On Sunday morning I hung out with my cousins Erin, Leah and Donna. Dad and cousin Steve left early to go to work, and Mommy got to catch up on a few hours of sleep. It was nice to visit with the girls. They are so sweet and they were very kind to me.

In the afternoon Mommy and I drove to the building where Dad was working, and I got to meet my new friends Sharon, Patti and Jill. We hung out there for quite awhile. I had a bottle and a nap. Before we left Mommy took my picture with Patti, Jill and cousin Steve.

Sunday evening the grown-ups had buffalo wings. They were too hot for me, so I had a bottle. We visited with our cousins for awhile, and then Mommy and Daddy wanted to go to bed. But I didn't! I sat up with Mommy for awhile, then I slept a few minutes, then I sat up with Dad, then I slept a few minutes, and then I sat up with Mommy again.

On Monday Mommy and I slept in. (For some reason, Mommy was tired after sitting up with me most of the night.) We hung out and watched the big screen TV until cousin Donna got home from school. (She is a teacher! Yea for teachers!) We had a very nice visit with cousin Donna, and she held me and rocked me -- it was great! She knows all about babies -- she used to have two of them.

Monday evening we went to Australia for steaks with Dad and cousin Steve. I don't eat steak so I had a bottle. They kept calling me Joey for some reason. The waitress asked Mommy if I was a girl! (I could tell she wasn't too bright -- she put her earring in the side of her nose!) Then we had the long drive home (which meant that I had a nice long nap!)

When we got home, my best friend Erin was here! She watched my dogs while we were all out of town, and when we got home she stayed and held me for a whole hour, or maybe more! It was GREAT! We all love Erin.

Today I had a quiet day with Mommy. I was awake most of the afternoon, and I got to watch Judge Judy. It was a very relaxing day, and I enjoyed spending so much time with Mommy. She's pretty great too.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


My Reverse World Tour -- Day 3

Usually big stars go on a world tour: They travel to cities all over the place so their fans can see them. This weekend I am doing it the other way around: I stay in one place, and people come from cities all over the world to see me. :-)

I am still in Findlay, and today I met more of my cousins: Laren and Bryan came from Toledo to see me, Lynsey Linzee came from Bowling Green, Cindy and Rick came from Columbus and Josh came from... well, he came from Findlay so it really wasn't a big trip. And Erin and Leah and Donna were here too, and Mommy of course. It was so great to be surrounded by family. They are all just the nicest people in the world, and there was lots of laughing. There was also lots of arguing over who got to hold me! It was great!

Everyone got a turn holding me. It was so good to be with family. I was so relaxed that I slept like a... well, I slept great. Those mean old grown ups actually tried to wake me up, but I didn't pay any attention to them. Then this evening Dad and cousin Steve came home from work, and Dad woke me up a little bit. But lately I have preferred to be awake in the middle of the night and asleep during the day. Mommy and Daddy don't seem too crazy about my schedule....

Friday, January 25, 2008


Day Two on the road

Mommy and I had a relaxing day today. We slept in a little. I had a nice meal. I slept some more. Life is good.

This afternoon I got to meet some more of my cousins. I met Erin and Leah, and their mommy, Donna. According to Wikipedia, Erin and Leah are technically my Second Cousins. (I think Donna is "once removed" but to be honest I lost interest before it explained the whole thing.) To me they are just "cousins," and I'm finding out that cousins are good to have! All three of them held me, and they are just so nice. I slept in their arms. It was great!

Tonight Mommy and Daddy left for a little while to go to Wal-Mart, and I stayed with my cousins. It was the first time we've been apart! It was only a few minutes, though. It really wasn't a big deal.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Big day. Big big big.

Big day today. I slept a little this morning and then Mommy and I were off to meet Dad and my friends Jen and Julie for lunch. They had Italian; I had a little nap and a bottle. Then we went back to Dad's office and my friend Lori was there, and she held me for a little bit when she got off the phone. It was great. She says I can come there to visit anytime.

Mommy and I walked down the hall to see my friend Mary again. (Mommy did the actual walking -- I just hung on her arm like a sack of potatoes.) That's where Jen and Julie work, too, and a nice lady named Buffy. (I heard she's a vampire slayer, whatever that means.) Dad says they are doing a lot of good in this world. All I know is that they are all very nice, and they held me and we just had a great visit. Good stuff.

Then it was off to Grandpa Driever's office for a short visit, and back home again. Mommy was very busy when we got home, putting clothes into suitcases and such. All that excitement wore me out so I took a little nap.

This evening Dad woke me up and put me in my carseat. Road trip! I didn't know it, but we were heading out on the biggest road trip EVER! We drove and drove and drove and I slept and slept and slept -- it was GREAT!!!

Now we're in someplace called "Findlay" and I got to meet cousin Steve. He is a nice man, and he sure does like babies. He took me all around his big ole house and showed me all kinds of stuff. I felt like some kind of celebrity or something.

After all that sleeping in the car I was wide awake, but now I'm finally getting sleepy. I don't know if I'll get to write in my blog tomorrow or not. I never know what tomorrow holds, but in this case it's really hard to say.

I am a stranger in a strange land.

It's very exciting!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Sleep, eat, sleep. Repeat as necessary.

Yesterday I didn't do much. I slept in Mommy's bed. I ate a little. I slept on the couch with Mommy. I ate some more. I slept some more. It was a very good day.

But today we were on the go. Around 1:00 PM Mommy and I headed out to the church to pickup Shannon and aunt Gail. We all went to LaRosa's for lunch, but I don't eat Italian so I just slept during the meal.

Next we went back to Target (I LOVE that place!) and I got to ride in the cart and go all over the store. It was great. I took a little nap while we were there.

Then it was back to the church, where my friends Tim and Rick and Connie and Arlen all held me and carried me around. They are all so nice, I really like them (although Rick seems a little goofy). I had a great time. Mommy gave me a snack while we were there, and I had a nap.

This evening when we got home I didn't really want to sleep. I guess I was still a little wound up from this afternoon. After Dad got home from work I had another snack, and then he carried me around the house until I fell asleep in his arms. I slept until just a little bit ago.

And now that you're up to date, I'm going to bed. Although I may have a snack first....

Monday, January 21, 2008


Baby it's COLD outside

Yesterday was mostly a quiet day. It was COLD outside -- 8 degrees I think. I went with Mommy and Daddy to Olive Garden for lunch with Grandpa and Grandma Graybill. I saw my friend Bea there, but I don't eat Italian food so I pretty much slept through the whole thing. The rest of the day I stayed inside where it's warm, alternating between my two favorite things (sleeping and eating).

Today Mommy and I went to see Grandpa Driever at his office while Dad was at work. It was still cold, but I enjoyed our first trip out together, just the two of us. I hung out with my friend Donna, and I got to visit with Grandpa for a little while.

After we got back home we had more visitors! Grandpa and Grandma Bare came to see Mommy and me while Dad was at work, and they brought my friend Charlene. She held me for awhile (which was great!), I took a little nap on Grandpa's lap and Grandma gave me a bottle. Then Mommy and Grandma gave me a bath. Actually they used the sprayer, so it was more like a shower (which I prefer).

Then I took a nap, had some dinner, slept awhile and had a snack. My goofy dad took my picture with Mr. Moose again, and now I'm off to bed. I'm going to try to sleep a looong time -- Mom and Dad look tired!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


A quiet day

Today was a quiet day. Mommy gave me a snack about 4:00 AM, and then I slept until 9:00 AM. I had some breakfast and sat up with Mommy until 11:30 or so. Then we went back to bed, but I was restless. Dad and I went out to the living room around 12:30, and I slept on the couch until 2:00 PM. I like sleeping on the couch. (I think I get that from Dad.) My goal is to get big enough to use the footrest someday, and sleep in the recliner like Dad does.

I had some lunch, and then I got dressed (with Mommy's help) and we all went to Red Lobster. I don't like seafood so I just slept while Mommy and Daddy ate. My friends Christy and Guy met us there and visited for a few minutes. I think they found something Dad lost and brought it back to him. (He is always losing stuff. He's old and forgetful.)

We came back home but I didn't feel like sleeping. I had some dinner, and after that I wasn't hungry but I didn't want to sleep either. I fussed and cried, and Mommy tried feeding me, rocking me... she even tried just letting me cry for a few minutes, but nothing made me feel better. We watched some TV together. After awhile I had a snack and fell back asleep.

Now I'm tired again. I'm going to bed.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Everyone needs to be good at something

I have found my calling: It is sleeping.

Last night I slept for six hours straight -- another new record! By the time I finished my midnight snack it was just about, well, midnight. Then I was off to the land of nod.... Around 6 AM I was just starting to wake up, and Mommy picked me and took me out to the living room for some breakfast.

Then it was back to bed of course, for a few more hours of Z's. Oh what a good life I have!

The afternoon was pretty uneventful. Lunch, more sleeping, a snack, more sleeping -- pretty much your typical day in the life of a newborn. In the evening my friend Jimmi came to see me. She held me in her arms while I slept -- it was great!

Shortly after that, Grandma Graybill and my cousin Hayley came to visit me too! They had dinner with Dad and then Grandma held me for awhile too. Dad had to leave to go "run sound," whatever the heck that means, and after a little while Jimmi had to leave too. But Grandma and Hayley stayed until bedtime -- how great is that???

When I grow up I want to be big like Hayley. Grandma says Hayley is 6 years old. I can't wait until I'm a big kid like her.

Now Mommy and I are off to bed, and Dad still isn't home. Mommy says he's still out with those band people. Mommy says I should stay away from musicians. I'm pretty sure she is just kidding, though.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Sleepin' in

Today was another great day. I woke up about 8 AM and Dad gave me my breakfast. Then I went back to bed until Noon. Now that is my kind of morning schedule!

Next I went with Mommy and Daddy to have lunch with Grandma Graybill. I finally got to meet Longhorn Lisa -- she is super nice and she held me and fussed over me like I was just the cutest thing since... well, since her babies I guess. It was great. Plus any time with Grandma is always a good thing (any kid could tell you that!).

Next we were off to River Hills Bank to meet all the nice ladies there. They are my favorite community bank, and everyone there was just great. I even got to meet the president of the bank! It turns out the he likes kids too! We didn't stay very long because Dad said the whole Operations Department was just watching my every move, instead of, um, operating, I guess.

Then we went back to Mommy's office. This time her boss was there, and Kim and Team Strunk and lots of other realtors. They held me and fussed over me, and Kim gave me a bottle. It was all very cool.

Our last stop was Grandma Graybill's house. Grandpa got a new TV, and Dad helped him connect all the wires in the back. I got to hang out in the blue room with Mommy and Grandma.

When we got home I had dinner, then napped a little, then had a snack before heading off to bed. What a great day.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


And on the 10th day I rested

I woke up this morning around 11:00 AM feeling very rested. I had breakfast and hung out with Mommy and Daddy for awhile.

Around 1:30 PM the nice ladies from the church came to visit, aunt Gail and Shannon. They were at the hospital the day I was born. Today they brought their friend Justin, who was also very nice (although he's no lady). All three of them held me, and aunt Gail gave me a bottle, which was great. They also brought lunch for Mommy and Daddy. I really appreciated that since it's too far to walk to Penn Station and I can't take Dad's car because my feet don't reach the pedals. So thank you for bringing lunch for my grown-ups!

It is great having visitors: They come here, they just ooh and ahh about me every minute they're here, and then they leave. Plus it was like 20 degrees outside today but I didn't have to go out in it -- how great is that?

The folks from church didn't stay too long, then I had a snack and went back to bed. I slept all afternoon, had some dinner, then slept all evening. Mommy gave me a snack at bedtime and then I called it a night.

L i f e    i s    g o o o o o o o o d . . . .

P.S. -- Shannon is going to have a baby too, but don't tell anyone -- I think it's a secret. It will be a long time before the baby gets here, but I'm finally going to be older than someone! I wonder if her baby will have a blog too....

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I am flat WORN OUT

OK, if you've been keeping up, you know that yesterday was big big big. Lots of travel, multiple appearances -- it's like being a rock star. Last night I slept for almost five hours straight (a new record!). Then after breakfast, I went back to bed and slept a few more hours.

Around Noon I headed out with Mommy and Daddy to Daddy's favorite restaurant, Skyline Chili. I didn't have any chili (it's not on my diet) but I met a nice lady there named Jill. Mommy says Jill gave me some clothes before I was even born (but I'm still too small to fit into them).

Next stop was Dad's office. I saw my friend Lori again, and I got to meet the rest of Dad's coworkers. We went to see Dad's friends down the hall and a nice lady named Mary rocked me in her arms (it was great!). But Mary was the only one there -- the other ladies were in North Carolina. Dad says it was a very nice thing that the other ladies went all that way for the day just to be with their friends. He says they are very special people. I can't wait to meet them all.

Then we went to see one of Dad's customers. I got a brief peek at a nice lady named Claire and a bunch of her coworkers. But it was only a peek -- I just couldn't hold my eyes open! Everyone there was super nice and I wanted to meet them all, but I was just too tired.

From there I must have slept the whole way home, because the next thing I knew it was dark outside and I was waking up at home in my crib. I had some dinner and went back to sleep and I didn't wake up until bedtime. I had a snack, Dad took my picture with Mr. Moose and I headed off to bed.

After I laid down, Daddy and I said a prayer for Julie and Karen in North Carolina and for their mommy in Heaven. We prayed that they would find some comfort in memories of the good times, and we prayed that neither of us would know exactly how Julie and Karen feel for a very, very long time.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Another big day

Today was another big day in the life of Baby Ray. I got to sleep in this morning, then Mommy and Daddy and I headed out in the car -- another road trip! We went to see Dr. D., and he checked me out from head to toe. He says I'm great. He also had the results of the blood tests they did in the hospital when I was born, and he said those were great too. He also said my height and weight are in the 95th percentile, whatever the heck that means.

Dr. D. says Mommy and Daddy are very blessed. He really seemed to like me.

Next we went to visit with my friend Holly at her work. There were lots of kids there, but they were all bigger than me. The grown-ups wouldn't let them near me because apparently those kids have something called "germs," whatever those are. The grown-ups that work there came to see me, though.

From there we went back to Grandpa Driever's office, and I got another chiropractic adjustment. He has nice lady named Donna who works there and she held me for a little while and helped Dad change my diaper.

And after all that we still didn't have to go back home! We went back to my kingdom :-) so Mommy could return some things we bought on our last visit. Lots of people there were asking about me -- how old I was and stuff like that. Mommy even saw a lady there from her teaching job.

Finally we stopped at the grocery store but I was too tired to go inside. Mommy and I only had to wait a few minutes, then we headed home. I was very hungry and tired: I ate and ate and ate and didn't get to sleep until about 8:00 PM. I slept until Dad put his computer away and we all went to bed.

Another big day in the life, baby!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


I'm the king

I didn't sleep too well last night. I kept having this dream that I stepped in peanut butter and the dogs were licking my feet. Plus I was hungry and sleepy at the same time, and I couldn't decide whether to eat or sleep. Mommy and I were up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night trying to work that out.

At lunch time I went to Olive Garden with Mommy and Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa Graybill. I was hungry and didn't feel well, and I was crying until Grandpa Graybill held me for the first time. He's very nice, and he said I'm the first baby he's ever held! (And he's old!)

Our waitress Bea was very nice, too. Mommy and Grandma had the lasagna special. I had a bottle.

After lunch we went to the most amazing place called "Target." It was big and bright and full of people and colorful stuff. I sat in a shopping cart and Mommy pushed me all around like I was the king of the store. I looked at everything. I didn't buy anything though because I still don't have a credit card.

Then we came home and once again I couldn't decide whether to eat or sleep. I ate a little, then had a nice long nap, then ate some more and then had another nice long nap.

It's good to be the king (of Target).

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Grandparents are GREAT

Today I met my great-grandparents! Wow! Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Perry came all the way from West Virginia, just to meet me! Great-Grandma Perry is Grandma Bare's mom, and Grandma Bare is Mommy's mom, and Mommy is my mom, and I'm me, so we had four generations all here in my living room.

Now Dad says Great-Grandpa is not technically my Great-Grandpa, but he is married to Great-Grandma and he is such a good and kind man and he takes such good care of Great-Grandma and we all just love him so much that it doesn't really matter about all those genes and stuff. That's fine by me -- he is very nice and I don't understand what denim pants have to do with it anyway.

My Great-Grandma loves to laugh, and she is very funny. Grandpa Bare kept teasing her, but she just told him to "hush" and she didn't pay any attention to him. Sometimes she has trouble remembering things (Grandpa said she is 86 years old!) but she sure loves me and Mommy and Daddy. My Great-Grandpa has kind eyes, and he is gentle and soft-spoken. As soon as I met him I just knew he was OK. He doesn't say too much but he doesn't need to -- Great-Grandma talks enough for both of them.

They didn't stay too long, which was just as well because I had a very full schedule today. I had lots of sleeping to do, along with some napping and several meals.

Then this evening Mommy gave me my first bath at home, and only my second bath ever. (One of the nurses gave me a bath the night I was born, but she wasn't as good at it as Mommy. But I didn't like either of them washing my hair.) It wasn't the most fun thing in the world, but it wasn't so bad when Mommy did it. After she dried me off I was pretty tired so I took a nap. Oh yeah....

Well I have finished off another meal and it's time for me to go back to sleep now. I'll be waking up Mommy in a few hours -- maybe I'll write some more then.

Friday, January 11, 2008


My first big trip

This morning I slept til 10:00 AM, and then had a quiet day. Today was the first day of my entire life that I didn't have any visitors! That's OK, though. It gave me a chance to catch up on my rest.

This evening I got all dressed up and went with Mommy to her office. I met a nice lady named Barb there, and then Dad and his friend Scott had to sign some papers on a house they are selling. Mommy explained all the paperwork to the new owners, and showed everyone where to sign. She was great, but I have to say it was all a little boring for a kid. I slept through the whole thing.

Then we stopped at the house and got Mommy's big sign out of the yard, and then headed back home. It was fun to go on a family outing but I sure was glad to get home and get out of all those clothes!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Here's to good health

I didn't feel well last night. I was up with Dad for a couple of hours in the middle of the night, then it was Mommy's turn. It was about 7:00 AM before I got back to sleep.

Around 10:30 AM the nurse came to our house to check Mommy and me. She said we're both just great. I lost a little weight in the hospital, and today the nurse said I've gained some of it back. Even though the hospital wasn't worried (they said newborns like me can lose up to 10% of our weight during the first few days and that's normal), Mommy was still a little bit concerned. She was thrilled to hear I've gained two ounces back. (I wanted to tell her it was just the hospital food, but I can't talk yet.)

After the nurse left I did what I do best and went back to sleep. This afternoon Mommy tried to get me to eat something but I didn't feel like eating. Grandma was here for a little while, but I didn't want a bottle from her either.

This evening we went to Grandpa's office and I got my first chiropractic adjustment. Grandpa checked my spine from top to bottom, and only found two vertebrae that were out of place. He fixed me right up, and then I came home and had a nice meal and nice long nap. Now I feel like a new baby!

This evening I got to meet Dad's friends Lori and Don. Lori is very nice -- I'm not sure what to think about Don. They brought books from one of Dad's friends and a huge bouquet of flowers from one of Dad's customers. I am amazed at how kind these grown-ups are, and they haven't even met me! Mommy absolutely loved the books -- she said one of them was her all-time favorite. Dad really liked them too. And they were both just amazed by the flowers.

Tonight I had a snack and now it's bedtime. Life is so exciting -- I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Sleepy time

I am worn out today! I don't know what my deal is, but I have just slept and slept and slept all freakin' day! Now don't get me wrong, sleeping is my favorite thing in the whole world, but today was pretty unreal.

I woke up this morning at 10:00 AM when Dad's cousin Steve called. OK, technically when I got up at 2:00 AM and again at 6:00 AM it was this morning, but the sun wasn't up yet and as far as I'm concerned it was still last night. So I woke up at 10:00, had a snack and went back to sleep.

Grandma and Paps came to visit around Noon and brought lunch for Dad and Mommy. (I wanted to get Mommy some lunch, but I am too small to drive to Longhorn and pick it up, and I don't have a credit card yet anyway. So thanks Grandma!) I had another snack then slept on Grandma's lap most of the afternoon -- good stuff!!!

Then Aunt Nicole came to visit after school. (She's a teacher! Hooray for teachers!) Today she brought my cousins, Brooklyn and Hayley. They are so sweet, just like angels from Heaven. Mommy says I got my picture taken with them, but I don't really remember it -- I slept through the whole thing. I did wake up for a little visit with Aunt Nicole, but then it was sleepy time again.

This evening Aunt Denise came to visit, along with Uncle Paul and my cousin Alex. Alex is really cool, and Uncle Paul is really silly. I even got to have my picture taken with Alex, but... you guessed it... I slept through all of it.

Aunt Denise is very special because she was born on my birthday! Well not on the exact same day as me, but we were both born on January 5th. Of course she was born like 100 years before me, but it was still on January 5th. Anyway she stayed for quite awhile and I got to sleep on her lap, too (good stuff!) but even for her I just could not wake up!

And the neighbors were here to meet me, too. They are just the nicest people! I slept on Heather's lap (which was great) and Dad let me take my picture with her and Haley and Michael, but again I just could not wake up! Unbelievable.

And now I have to go. It's bedtime and I'm worn out!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Heading home

Today was a much better day -- Mommy and I finally got to leave the hospital and come home! Don't get me wrong: Everyone at Bethesda North has been great, especially the nurses. But Mommy was ready to get out of there, and personally I am tired of the smell of antiseptic. I feel like I've been breathing it all of my life!

So this morning the doctor checked me again and I'm still great. He wants me to go see Dr. D. in three to five days, which seems awfully soon but I guess they know what they're doing. They gave Mommy a quick checkup this morning and said she's great. (I already knew that.)

After all the forms were filled out they finally let Dad drive us home. He made me ride backwards, so I could only see where we had already been, not where we were going. Bummer. Oh well, I made good use of my time by taking a nice nap. Good stuff.

I like our house, especially my room. My room is great! It's blue and tan and has cool Disney stuff on the walls. Dad says Uncle Richy painted it for me and Mommy decorated it. They are awesome!!!

Today I also got to meet two of my cousins, Andrea and Emily. Andrea is bigger than me but not too much bigger, and man she has lots of energy! Emily is big, almost like a grown up. She came to our house and held me on her lap -- good stuff! Uncle Wayne was here too and he seems a little goofy.

Well it's time for my next meal, then a nice little nap.

Oh, I almost forgot! I fixed my blog today so you can leave comments. Dad says he has to approve them first because everything has to stay "G" rated, so if you leave me a note it might take a day or so to show up. So leave me a comment!

Monday, January 7, 2008


ohhhhhh. This is NOT good.

So I'm snoozing this morning, minding my own business, and here comes the nurse to poke and prod me. This seems to be pretty standard around here, so I'm not too worried about it. Then she says she's taking me to the nursery to weigh me. All right! Road trip!!

So we get to the nursery and they weigh me and all the standard stuff. Next thing I know, they're sticking a needle in the last place a boy wants a needle. Ouch! Then (if you can believe this) it got worse from there. Not good. Not good at all.

Needless to say I have been in a bad mood all day. I slept for several hours after the incident, but even after that I was not a happy boy. Which is strange, because there's nothing better than a long nap in the middle of the day.

I'm just not in the mood to write any more tonight. My diaper hurts.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Another day

Well today was my second day out in the big world, and my first full day. Everything is so interesting... last night I watched some TV with Mom. TV is fascinating.

I'm still working on this nursing thing. It's not as easy as it looks.

Today there has been a steady stream of people in and out of our hospital room -- lots of new faces and voices. Nurses and aides, and my friend Holly. The photographer was here too. Mom put me in a tuxedo -- sure it looked great but it was not any fun changing in and out of that thing.

The doctor checked me out this morning, too. He says I'm in great shape for a kid who's not even one day old, except I had some goo in one ear. They cleaned it out and they'll check it again tomorrow.

All of that excitement didn't keep me from getting my sleep, though. Being born is hard work and I am still tired today. I slept most of the afternoon. Good stuff.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


What a day!

About 2:30 this morning someone let the water out of my nice warm pool! Then it was like a roller coaster for the rest of the night and all day today. Then this evening the doctors opened my home and pulled me out!

The nurses poked and prodded and measured every inch of me, but thankfully they didn't find any problems -- I must be A-OK!

But the day ended on a high note: All the grown ups were arguing over who got to hold me, and they kept going on and on about how cute I am. How cool is that?

Mom nursed me for 25 minutes straight, and now it's sleepy time -- I am worn out!!!

What a day!

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