Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Back to the Great White North

Today Mommy and I had lunch with the nice ladies from church, and then we all went to that place where they sell all that stuff for kids. Mommy put me in a harness and carried me all around the store without using her hands! That was fun! Plus she bought me my very own suitcase.

This evening my best friend Erin came to see me. She is so nice. She is watching my house and my dogs for a few days because we are all going back to Findlay for another visit. Then after Dad finally got home from work, we all piled in Mommy's car and drove and drove and drove to cousin Donna's house. When we finally got all the way up there (I think it was about 5000 miles) it was snowing like crazy! The highway was slick and the streets in Findlay were even slicker and they were covered in snow! Luckily Mommy is a great driver and we didn't slide or slip or anything.

We we got here tonight cousin Steve was waiting up for us! He sure is nice -- he held me and everything. I like coming here to visit.

And now it's time for bed. (Daddy says it's past time for bed. He's no fun.) But I am not the least bit tired. I slept most of the way up here in the car, so now I'm wide awake and ready to play! But Dad says no more blogging tonight, so I have to go now.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


A quiet Saturday

Last night we went out to dinner with my Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and my Cousin Emily (she is so pretty). We went to Moe's. Uncle Wayne says it's better than Chipotle, (is that even possible?) but my dad says Moe's is Tex-Mex, and Dad prefers Mex. They did have funny names for the food, though, which was a plus. And personally I thought the food was just fine (I had a bottle).

After dinner all six of us came back to my house. They ended up staying pretty late, and we all had a very nice visit. Aunt Mary and Emily even helped Mommy give me a bath! (Actually Mom uses the sprayer so it's more like a shower.)

Today we had a quiet day. Mommy and Daddy and I all slept in, and we didn't get up and moving until the afternoon. Then we headed out to Target! Yea! As usual they had all sorts of shiny new things to see, and we went all around the store. It was great.

Then we went to China for dinner. They had big long tables full of food for Mommy and Daddy, and we were allowed to eat all we wanted! Mom and Dad had chicken with broccoli. I had a bottle.

Tonight I am wide awake and enjoying my time with Mommy. But she says we have to go get ready for bed now, so I'll have to stop here.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Eighty winks

Finally, a good night's sleep!

I hadn't slept well for several nights until last night. I fell asleep watching Dave (my TV pal) sometime before midnight, and I didn't wake up until 4:30 this morning! Then Mommy fed me and we went back to sleep, and I didn't get up until around 8:00 A.M.

I think Mommy slept almost as much as I did because she was a much happier person today.

For at least the past two or three days I just haven't slept very well, either at night or during the day. I have just been taking little catnaps during the day: It seems like I would just get to sleep and then I'd wake up again. Then at night I would only sleep about two hours, then I'd be up for an hour. In fact, the night before last I went to bed around 11 P.M. but I didn't fall asleep until 3:30 in the morning!

But yesterday I went to see Grandpa Driever and he gave me a chiropractic adjustment. Right after that my friend Janet rocked me to sleep, but then it was time to leave Grandpa's office. Mommy and I went to Target (yea!) and I sat in my rolling throne and watched all the colorful merchandise as it went by. From there we went home, and I had a nice, long, restful nap (oh yeah!).

I hung out with Dad yesterday evening, and then like I already said I fell asleep while we were watching Dave.

Today Mommy and I had a quiet day around the house. We had lots of snow this morning and Mommy said the roads were slippery, so we just stayed home. We straightened up things in my bedroom and watched some TV and let the dogs in and out and in and out and in. I had a couple of nice (but short) naps.

Tonight I'm tired but I'm not very sleepy. But I think I'm going to go to bed now anyway and see if I can fall asleep.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


A quiet weekend

Friday during the day Mommy and I rested after our big Thursday. Then around 4:30 PM I went to my Aunt Mary's house to stay with her and Uncle Wayne and my Cousin Emily while Mommy went to church. It was big fun. My Cousin Emily is so sweet. She's a kid like me but she's really big -- almost a grownup! We played on the floor together, and she and Aunt Mary argued about who got to hold me next. It was so much fun that I almost didn't want Mommy to come back! Almost. :-)

I didn't sleep very well Friday night. I kept waking up about every two hours. I think by yesterday morning Mommy was pretty worn out. Finally about 10:00 AM Daddy got up with me (normally he just sleeps like a log). He gave me a bottle and rocked me until he left to go move musical equipment.

When Dad got back we went to O'Charley's for lunch. Mommy had the black and bleu salad, no bleu. (It hardly had any black either, which she liked.) I had a bottle. Then after lunch we went to Wal-Mart. It's no Target but there's lots to see there too.

When we got home, Dad took a little nap and then left to go mix up some music. Mommy and I stayed home and watched a movie on TV. Right before bedtime I had my first rice cereal. It was pretty tasty and I sure felt full afterward.

This morning Dad and I got dressed and went to Olive Garden for some lunch. Mommy said she was tired because some baby keeps waking her up at night, so she stayed home and rested. When we got there, Grandma and Grandpa Graybill were there again! They are there every single time I go in there! Anyway it was great to see them and my friend Bea was there too. Grandma was so busy holding me and giving me my bottle that she forgot to eat her lunch! (Really!) Dad and Grandpa finished their lunches before Grandma even started to eat her salad, and since Grandpa was finished she let him hold me while she ate. I was tired though, so Dad put me back into my car seat and I went to sleep.

After lunch we went down to Dad's office to change the tape (and my diaper). We didn't stay there long though before we headed back home. I spent the rest of the day napping and hanging out with Mommy.

And now I had some more rice cereal and I'm really sleepy....

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Three little, one BIG

It's been a long week already, and it's only Thursday.

Let me get you up to speed: On Monday I wasn't feeling all that great. My tummy kinda hurt and I just wasn't in a very good mood. Dad came home early from work to stay with me so Mommy could go the Orient nation (or something like that). Apparently she teaches them. (I though she was just a mommy.... Oh yeah and a realtor.) Anyway Dad took me over to see Grandpa Driever at his office, and I got to hang out with Grandpa and Janet and Donna for a little while.

Usually after I go see Grandpa Driever I feel better, and I did feel a little better, but I was still kinda fussy Monday evening. Poor old Dad couldn't do anything to help either. But I finally got a good night's sleep Monday night and I felt much better on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday we had a big snow storm. Actually an ice storm. Dad called his employees and told them to stay home, and he stayed home too. It was nice having Dad around, but Mommy and I tried to keep quiet and stay out of his way so he could get some work done from home.

On Wednesday I started feeling kinda run down again. Mommy and I stayed home and rested during the day -- I don't think she felt all that great either. Dad came home early again and Mommy went to give a test to some people. It was something about ornaments again or something like that. Once again I was not feeling so great. I didn't even feel like writing in my blog!

Well the first three days of this week weren't very exciting, but the fourth day sure made up for it! Today I went with Mommy to her office in Batavia, and I got to hang out with my friend Jimmi again! I got to meet Rebecca and Marcia and some more of the nice people there, and Jimmi held me for awhile -- she is so nice. She let Mommy change my diaper in her office and just treated me like a king. It was great! We stayed and visited for a little while, and I would have been happy to stay there even longer, but we had another exciting stop to make....

It turns out that besides being Valentine's Day, today is my Cousin Hayley's birthday! She is SEVEN now -- can you imagine? She is SO big now. I can't wait 'til I'm seven, too, but that is SO far away.... Anyway we had to leave Jimmi's office so we could go to Hayley's birthday party at LaRosa's. It was great -- my Aunt Nicole was there and I finally got to meet my Uncle Richy! (He has been working on a secret project since before I was born! I don't think Aunt Nicole has let him out out of the house even once!) Anyway Uncle Richy is so kind, and he held me and it was just great. Plus all three of my Cousins were there too! And Grandma and Grandpa Graybill and Grandpa and Grandma Driever. It was also the first time Grandma Driever got to hold me (every time I go to Grandpa's office, Donna and Janet won't let her hold me!).

I think Hayley had a nice party. Most of the Parkers were there, including Hayley's Cousins and her Grandma and Grandpa. My dad came straight from work and met us there too. The kids all ate pizza, and the grown ups had salad, and I had a bottle. Everyone seemed like they had a great time. I know I did.

Now I'm worn out and I'm going to bed!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


My 6th weekend

It's Sunday night now and another weekend is in the history books. It seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago that I was born, but actually it has been 36 days!

Yesterday I went with Mommy to get her hair done again. (Is that all grown-ups do?) I'm not a big fan of hair salons but this trip was OK because I got to hang out with Holly again, plus I made a new friend named Jonathan. He's a kid like me but he's way bigger -- he's like four years old! He's almost as old as my Cousin Andrea!

Anyway after we got home I had a nice nap and then I went with Mommy and Daddy to that Australian place again. We got to go with my friends Lisa and John, and while we were waiting for our table my Aunt Mary and Uncle Wayne came there too! It was just luck, we didn't plan it that way. (We made them get their own table because if John got really hungry he might gnaw off their arm.) Aunt Mary did give me my bottle while Mommy ate, though, and I got to see my Cousin Emily too.

I slept pretty well last night, and then at lunch time today we went to Olive Garden to see my friend Bea. She is from Columbia (except she pronounces it "colooombia") and she has a really neat accent. Anyway Grandma and Grandpa Graybill were there as usual, and Grandma held me for the longest time. I took a little nap on her shoulder -- it was great! She couldn't twirl her spaghetti and hold me at the same time, but Grandpa was finished with his meal and held me for quite awhile. I took another little nap in his arms.

After we got home I didn't feel too well. (I thought maybe it was all the garlic in that Italian food, but then I remembered that I just had a bottle while I was there, so that probably wasn't it.) Every time I started to fall asleep I would wake up again because I didn't feel well. Dad even walked back and forth across the house and rocked me in his arms, but I still couldn't quite fall asleep.

After I had my dinner this evening I finally slept for awhile. Then I woke up and had a snack, and now I'm off to bed....

Friday, February 8, 2008


Over the hills and through the woods....

Today we went to Grandma Bare's house! It was a long drive but I slept most of the way anyway, so it was no big deal. Grandma and Grandpa's house is really nice, and Grandpa built it! Pretty cool.

When we got there Grandpa rocked me in his recliner, and then we leaned back and took a little nap. It was great! Then Grandpa and Mommy went to some place called "Wally World" and I stayed with Grandma. She rocked me too, and I took a nap on the couch.

While I was there I also made a new four-legged friend. Her name is Scruffy. She's as rowdy as my dog Pepper! I think she likes being outside as much as he does too. (Even when it's cold!)

Next thing you know it was time for the long ride home. That's OK, though, cause I slept most of the way. What a great day!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Hangin with Lisa and Holly

Yesterday Mommy and I took Pepper to see my friend Lisa at the vacational school. It was very cool! They had dogs and fish and hamsters and birds and turtles and and bunny rabbits and guinea pigs and a cat. Oh yeah, and teenagers. :-| I thought all teenagers were useless but they gave Pepper a bath and brushed him and all that stuff, so I guess those guys are OK. Anyway I got to pet a bunny and the cat. And of course I got to see Lisa. It was an excellent adventure.

When we got home I took a nap. When Dad got home he gave Cinnamon a bath too, and now both of my dogs smell much better.

Today I went with Mommy to get her hair cut. First we went and picked up my friend Holly at that place where they store kids during the day. Then we went to Applebee's baby! I was thinking about getting a salad, but I had a bottle instead. Then we were off to that fancy place in Kenwood for Mommy's new hairdo. Everyone there was nice, and I got to hang out with my friend Holly while they cut Mom's hair. Then we went shopping (boring!) for a little while before heading back home.

When Dad got home we all went out to Bob Evans and then on to my favorite store, Target. Dad put me in the cart so I could see out the front, and then we went fast all over the store. I felt like a NASCAR driver! It was big fun but I was really tired and I ended up falling asleep.

Now we're home and I think I'm going to turn in a little early. It's been a big day and I'm worn out.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Babies 'R Us, the store for... me!

Yesterday was a quiet day. Mommy and I stayed home all day. We straightened up around the house, did some laundry and took some naps. Of course I had to let Mommy do the laundry since I'm not tall enough to reach the washing machine yet. I did help with the napping, though.

Today I went with Mommy's to her office again and I got to meet a bunch of the Realtors that Mommy works with. Her mean boss made me cry, but everyone else was very nice. I made a new friend named Dave who held me for a little bit, and I met Jason, too.

Then it was off to Babies 'R Us. It was like a whole store full of stuff for me! We had a gift card I got from a nice man named Josh, and we returned a very nice gift (because I got two of them). Between the two we got to buy lots of nice things there without spending any money. I even got some swimming trunks for my trip to the beach in July!

When we got home, I played with the toy set I got from Grandma and Grandpa Bare for awhile, and then Mommy read me a book. It was about a cat but I liked it anyway. Then I fell asleep on the couch and I slept so soundly.

Now I've had my snack and I'm off to bed....

Sunday, February 3, 2008


My first trip to church

This morning I went to church with Mommy and Daddy for the first time ever. I got to meet some people there before the service and everyone was very nice. Then they started the music and it was VERY good. I didn't know any of the songs but the musicians there are so talented! I really enjoyed it.

I enjoyed the sermon too. The sanctuary is huge and our pastor is very interesting, and I rested in Mommy's arms through the whole service, just looking all around and listening to the sermon. I didn't sleep at all! (I'm not sure Dad can say that.)

After the service we went up to the Sunday School rooms and saw some of the kids and the other teachers that Mommy works with when she teaches Sunday School. My aunt Gail was there, and we saw Shannon for just a minute (she is very busy on Sunday mornings!). Everyone was very nice. Lots of people there said I look like my dad. Personally I think I look like me, but I suppose there is a certain resemblance.

After church we went to Olive Garden to see Grandma and Grandpa Graybill. (I think they might live there, I'm not sure.) Grandma held me for awhile (could anything in the world be better than having your grandma hold you?) and I got to see my friend Bea for just a minute before I fell asleeep.

After lunch we went home and I had a nap, and then Aunt Nicole came to visit, and she brought my cousins Brooklyn, Hayley and Andrea. All four of them held me and Aunt Nicole rocked me in her arms -- it was great! After awhile I was trying to fall asleep but Dad kept tickling Cousin Hayley and they kept waking me up again. :-|

After the girls left the evening was quiet and I slept pretty soundly. Then I had some dinner and a nap and a snack, and now I'm off to bed. Goodnight.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Fun in Ft. Thomas

Yesterday Mommy and I went to see our friends Bill and Billie in Ft. Thomas. (Yes, those are their real names.) They are so nice. Billie held me for awhile -- it was great! She has three babies but they're all grown ups now so they're not as much fun as I am. Bill held me too, for about 30 seconds. That was enough -- he's a musician so I figure he's a little dangerous.

While we were at their house their daughter Amy came to visit me too. She was worried she might give me her cold, so she didn't hold me very long, but she gave me a Cincinnati Reds outfit (how cool is that?) and a book too. Amy is so sweet, just like her mommy.

As if all of that wasn't enough, while we were there we picked up a really nice new bed for me to sleep in! It was from Mommy's friends Andy and Heather -- their baby used to sleep in it but now he's too big. It was very nice of them to let me use it, and I like it already. I tried it out last night, and I slept like a... well, I slept great.

I am always amazed how all of these grown-ups give me things and I haven't even met them!

Last night when Daddy got home we all went to Applebee's for some dinner. Dad had a salad (he is so boring) and I had a bottle.

Today I got to go back to Skyline. This time we went to the one in Eastgate, not to my favorite one by Dad's office. Then we went over to Petsmart and there were dogs all over that place! Big ones, little ones, young ones, old ones... it was pretty cool. We got food for my dogs and for Mommy's dumb cat.

Dad had to work tonight so Mommy and I went out on the town without him. First we went to that lobster place with my friends Lisa and John. It is always nice to see them again. I think if I got to pick my relatives I would add them to the list. Then Mommy and I went to Uncle Wayne's house, and my Cousin Emily held me and gave me a bottle. It was great! Of course I got to visit with Aunt Mary, too, and I met her relatives Peggy and Charlie and Amy. Everyone was so nice and we had a great time.

Now we're back home and Dad is still out working. Mommy and I are going to bed. After my snack, of course.

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