Sunday, April 27, 2008


Over the hills and through the woods...

I have the best grandparents! I am so lucky!

I have three sets: I probably see Grandpa and Grandma Driever the most often -- I go to Grandpa's office just about every week, sometimes twice in the same week. I know I went to see him this past week, but I've already forgotten exactly which day that was.

I see my Grandma and Grandpa Graybill almost every week, too. We have lunch with them on Sundays at that Italian place. Today Grandpa carried me all around the restaurant -- it was great!

My Grandpa and Grandma Bare live in a far away land called "West Union," so I don't get to see them as often as I would like. But boy it sure is great when I do! We drove clear out to their house yesterday. (OK technically Mommy did the driving -- Dad and I mostly just slept. Dad is just like me, only bigger and goofier and he doesn't cry as much.) Anyway we spent all afternoon with Grandma, and she gave me my first solid food -- baked apples! She even had a machine there to chew it up for me before I ate it, since I don't have any teeth. It wasn't as good as my bottle, but it tasted OK. I would order it again.

When Grandpa got home we all went out to dinner to someplace called a "buffet." Dad says that's a French word that means "eat yourself silly." Mommy had steak and vegetables and mac and cheese. I had a bottle. Dad had everything.

After dinner we went back to Grandpa and Grandma's for a little more visiting. Then it was time for the long drive home (for Mommy), or the long sleep home (for Dad and me).

Today I went to church and hung out with the other babies. Then we went to lunch (as I said above), and then Mommy and I took a quick trip to Wal-Mart and then stopped at my friend Holly's house for a party! (Dad stayed home and worked like a rented mule.) We had fun at the party -- there was a baby there who was even younger than me, and another one that hasn't even been born yet!

After my big day I am pretty worn out. I have slept most of this evening, and now I'm going to bed.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Inspection day

Today I went to Dr. D's office again, and they measured me and weighed me and just generally checked me over.

I am now 26" tall and I weigh 17 pounds, 1 ounce. Dr. D says that puts me in the 95th percentile, whatever that means. (Mommy says it means that, as babies go, I'm a big one. I don't know any other babies so I don't have anyone to compare myself to.)

Monday, April 21, 2008


Still fightin' it

Oh I have not been feeling very well. I have been so stuffy and congested for about a year now. OK maybe not quite that long, but I think it really has been about two weeks. That's almost one seventh of my life!

It's just a cold. Dad says I'll live, and I think he's probably right. (Mommy is not so sure.) But the problem is, I just can't sleep very well. It's so hard to breathe when my head is all stuffy! It's hard to eat, too. (Let's see you drink your entire dinner from a bottle when you can't breathe through your nose!)

Thursday morning I went to preschool as usual, but by the afternoon I felt terrible. Mommy said I had a fever of 102 degrees! (Dad told me later that babies always have higher body temperatures than grownups, so 102 degrees wasn't all that high.) Right after school, Mommy took me to my Grandpa Driever's office and he gave me a chiropractic adjustment, and boy did I feel better! I was still stuffy but I slept OK.

Friday Mommy and I stayed home from school. She wasn't feeling very well either, and she said they have lots of Germans at the preschool and she said she didn't want me exposed to them. So we took it easy until Dad got home from work, and then we all went out to O'Charley's for dinner.

Saturday we all slept in, and around 1:00 PM we went to Bob Evans. Dad had breakfast. Mommy had lunch. I had a bottle. Next we headed back home for a nice nap! Saturday evening Dad went somewhere to make the music louder, and Mommy and I went to Target! (I'm still the king, and as usual everyone wanted to see me.) Then we went to Aunt Mary and Uncle Wayne's house, and I had fun visiting with them and my Cousin Emily.

But by Saturday night I felt lousy again. I cried and cried and cried. I was still crying when Dad got home at 3:00 AM! He and I sat on the couch and had a bottle until I finally fell asleep about 4:15 AM.

Sunday morning we got up and went to church with Grandpa Driever. My Uncle Danny is the band leader there, and my Aunt Tammy is the preacher. My Cousins Aaron and Amanda are in the band, too. The music was great, and even the sermon was good. (I stayed for most of it, and Dad didn't fall asleep like he usually does!) My Aunt Nicole and Uncle Richy were there, and Brooklyn and Hayley and Andrea too! And my friend Donna held me and played with me on the floor and finally took me over to the kids' room, so Mommy could listen to the sermon.

After church all of my relatives went to Grandpa's house for a big birthday party. (Grandpa had another birthday on Friday, and now he's even older!) My Great Aunt Darlene was there (she really is great!) and Dad's Cousin Mike and his family came all the way from another country called "Kentucky." It was great to see everyone but I felt lousy, and I cried and cried. Everyone wanted to hold me and try to make me feel better -- I have the nicest family!

Finally last night I felt better again, and I got some sleep. Today Mommy and I went back to school, and I had a pretty good day. I still have a little congestion but I think I'm finally feeling better. I'll beat this cold yet!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


What a great weekend!

Well I had a big week. I went to work with Mommy three days, and spent the other two mornings with my best friend Erin. (Dad says I'm supposed to call her "Erin R.N." now but I think he is just goofing with me.) She has been staying with me every Tuesday and Thursday, but this week was the last week for that. Starting next week I'll be going to work with Mommy every day.

On Friday night Mommy and Daddy went on a date, and my Cousin Brooklyn and Grandma Graybill came to my house and stayed with me. It was great! I got to play with Brooklyn and I even got to sit on her lap for a little bit. And of course Grandma spoiled me like she always does.

Then yesterday morning we got up early and went to the Kidney Foundation 5K race! My best friend Erin came to my house and rode way across town with Mommy and Daddy and me, and when we got there my friend Lori and her daughter Shannon were there too. I got my picture taken with Captain Kidney and I got to see the nice ladies from the Kidney Foundation, too.

Then they started shooting and we got the heck out of there! A bunch of people ran the whole way, but we just walked. OK actually I rode part of the way in my stroller and Mommy, Daddy and Erin carried me the rest of the way. Along the course I met Dad's friend Linda Faye, and after we finished she held me for the longest time -- it was great!

After we got home we all had a siesta and just took it easy for the afternoon. Then in the evening my Grandma Graybill came back and spent the whole night with me! Mommy and Daddy went out to hear some band (I don't know what time they finally came home), and when I got up this morning Grandma was still here! (Yea!)

This morning Grandma went to church with us, and then we all went to that Italian restaurant and met Grandpa Graybill and my friend Bea. It was great!

What a great weekend!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


It's my birthday! (sort of)

Today I am exactly three months old! Now I know that all of you grownups only celebrate full years but for me three months is a big deal!

And guess what? It's my Aunt Nicole's birthday today! She is celebrating another whole year of course. I don't know how many but it's a bunch. Dad says she's on top of the hill now. I don't know what hill he's talking about but apparently she'll be over it by next year. (I hope she doesn't fall off.)

This morning we got up early and went to some breakfast place for lunch. Mommy had a cheeseburger and Dad had bacon and eggs. I had a bottle. It was great because Aunt Nicole was there to celebrate her birthday, and she brought Uncle Richy and my three Cousins, too! I love Brooklyn and Hayley and Andrea and it sure seems like I don't get to see them often enough. Of course I have a pretty busy schedule and I guess they do too, so that's the way it goes. Anyway it sure was great to see them this morning. And Uncle Richy too -- he even held me for awhile. It was great!

After lunch Mommy and I went to Target (oh yeah!) and my Aunt Denise and my Cousin Alex were there! It was so great to see them. They bought me a monkey, too! (A stuffed one, not a live one.) He's pretty cool. I am so lucky to have such a great family.

This evening we stayed home. Mommy and Daddy had pizza and I had a bottle. I'm still not feeling all that great and I'm still kind of stuffy. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Way to go Erin!

My best friend Erin passed some test she had to take, and now she's officially a nurse! Way to go, Erin!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


"She turned me into a newt!"

I got better, but I haven't been feeling very well this week. On Monday, Mommy and I went to see my Grandpa and Grandma Bare (which was great!), and on the way home I got sick to my stomach. I was in my car seat in the back and Mommy was driving and I wanted to tell her to pull over but I can't talk yet. There aren't any airsick bags in Mommy's car, either, so I ended up getting sick all over myself and my car seat. Five times!

Mommy drove straight to Grandpa Driever's office. Dad met us there and he said I was as pale as a sheet! But I got a chiropractic adjustment and some clean clothes and I felt so much better! By the time we left there Dad said my color was coming back. I came home and had a nice little nap, and by the time I woke up I was hungry again.

I felt better on Tuesday but maybe that was just because Mommy stayed home with me all day.

Today was my first day at preschool. My friend Holly is in charge there, and now Mommy works there too! It was pretty fun but I still wasn't feeling like my usual self. I think I have a bit of a cold because my nose was running and I was coughing and sneezing and I just generally didn't feel that great. Dad came and picked me up a little early and we went back to Grandpa Driever's office. We both got adjustments and once again I came home and had a great nap.

Tonight I feel better than I have all day. I think I'm going to turn in early though, and try to get a good night's sleep.

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