Monday, June 23, 2008


Another great Great weekend

I had another great weekend. Friday evening I went to that lobster place with Mommy and Daddy. We didn't eat any lobsters but I did see them swimming around in the lobby. (Man are they ugly.)

Saturday we rode out to Grandma and Grandpa Bare's house. This time we went with Uncle Wayne in his giant truck car. He and Dad sat in the front seats, Mommy and Aunt Mary sat in the middle seat and my Cousin Emily and I sat in the back seat. I got to ride in my new giant baby seat and my Cousin Emily talked to me and played with me. It was great! Uncle Wayne is a good driver, by the way.

My Grandma and Grandpa live about half way across the world from here, so it took us most of the day to drive there. Plus we stopped at Wal-Mart on the way. Uncle Wayne bought a big cake to celebrate my Cousin Emily's birthday. (Happy Birthday Emily!) She is really old -- she's twelve now!

Anyway when we finally got to Grandpa and Grandma's house we had a Great surprise: My Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa were there! I sure was glad to see them. My Great-Grandpa is so nice and so wise. My Great-Grandma is nice too, and she is so funny. But I don't know how they stay married -- they're not at all alike: Great-Grandma talks all the time, and my Great-Grandpa hardly says a word.

Mommy took my new pool with us, and I got to swim with my Cousin Emily. My goofy Grandma even got in with us too, and she had her long pants on! I love the water and it was big fun.

Saturday night I didn't sleep very well. I think I woke up four or five times during the night. For some reason Mommy was really tired Sunday morning -- she didn't even feel like going to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Graybill! Dad and I went and she stayed home and slept. After lunch I had a nap of my own, on the couch with Mommy. (Oh yeah!)

Dad was working and Mommy had to leave, so Grandma Graybill came and stayed with me yesterday evening. That was great, too -- much better than hanging around that Italian place at lunch time.

Today I went to school. My teacher, Miss Beverly, let me hold my own bottle and I drank the whole thing by myself! (I may have dropped it once or twice.) My teachers are great!

This evening Dad and I went out in street and visited with our neighbors. My friend Michael gave me some nice hiking boots -- I can't wait to learn how to hike! And my friend Haley gave me the coolest tie-die shirt! And their Mommy said she might be able to get some free passes to the big pool for my Mommy and me! They are just the nicest people!

Well I've had some prunes and a bottle and now I'm flat worn out. I'm going to bed!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Over and over

What an exciting weekend! I had my first sleepover, with Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and my Cousin Emily! It was great!!! Last night Mommy and Daddy took me to their house, and I spent the whole evening there. I got to play with my Cousin Emily, we watched a movie and I had a bottle. What a great evening!

Then when it was time for bed, I got to sleep in Emily's room with her! It was great! Uncle Wayne setup my bassinet in her room, and I got to sleep in there all night! (OK I almost slept all night. I woke up about 1:30 in the morning, Aunt Mary gave me a bottle and I went back to sleep.)

Mommy and Daddy came and picked me up this morning, and the best part of all was that Uncle Wayne said I can come back and spend the night anytime! Yea!

Then this afternoon I went on my first sound job with Daddy! It was neat, and the music was good, too. He was running sound for Twistlock and they were playing at an outdoor festival. Mommy and I only stayed for the first set because it was hot hot hot here today, but it was still pretty neat. I got to go backstage and meet the band and everything!

After Mommy and I got back home and got cooled off, I had a little nap and then Mommy put me on the floor on my stomach. I didn't like laying on my stomach, so I figured out how to roll myself over! I have been trying to do that for a couple of weeks or so, but I hadn't quite figured it out until today.

Tonight I had a bath and a bottle, and now I'm sitting on the couch with Mommy and Daddy for awhile. Dad and I tried to call Grandpa tonight to wish him a happy Father's Day, but he wasn't home so we left a message. Mommy is looking at little zoot suits on (she is so strange).

It's been a big day and I'm tired. I'm going to bed.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was Mommy and Daddy's wedding anniversary! Mommy says they have been married for three years! Can you imagine anything lasting that long? That's more than six lifetimes. (Well six of my lifetimes, anyway.)

Of course we all had to do the usual Wednesday things: Dad went off to work in the morning and Mommy and I went to preschool. I had a good day there: My teachers were great (as always) and Mommy came into my room to see me a few times during the day.

Dad actually came to pick me up from school before Mommy was ready to leave (instead of working half the night like he does sometimes). He and I went home and let my dogs out, and then shortly Mommy got home too. Then we all went to Japan for dinner. Mommy and Daddy both had steak and chicken, and I had a bottle. Mommy ate hers with two sticks again (I don't know why). After dinner the Japanese lady came over to our table and talked to me for quite awhile. (She is very nice, and she has a daughter who's about 9 months older than I am.)

Mommy got some pretty red roses for their anniversary. Daddy got his favorite candy. (I think he got the better end of that deal!)

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Dedicated to me

Today was a big day. This morning we all got up early and went to church, and we we got there my Grandma G. was there, and Grandpa and Grandma D., and Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and Aunt Nicole, and my Cousins Emily, Brooklyn, Hayley and Andrea! It was great! Grandma held for awhile, then Aunt Nicole held me for awhile, then Mommy held me.

The music was great as always. The sermon was very good one, too: Four things a child needs to learn when they're growing up. Of course I don't remember what any of those things were because I'm just a baby and babies aren't very good at remembering things. I like our preacher though. He has a funny accent.

The best part was that today's service was dedicated to the babies (including me!). Or something like that. At the end of the sermon the minister asked all the parents with babies and little kids to come up to the front of the sanctuary. Mommy and Daddy and I went up there and the minister talked for a little bit. (I don't remember what he said because babies don't have good memories and besides that I was asleep.) All I know is that I woke up and the whole thing was over and there were lots and lots of parents standing up there with babies. It was pretty cool.

Then we went to that Italian place for lunch with Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma. My friend Bea took our orders and brought us food. Except she didn't bring my food -- I had a bottle. Mommy brought that in her giant black purse.

Then Grandma and I went back to my house and I had a little nap and then I played with Grandma for a little bit -- that was big fun. After that I went to a baby shower with Mommy, but it was nothing like I expected. (I didn't even get wet!) It turns out it was for my friend Shannon (who is not a baby but is going to have one soon). My auntie Gail was there too, and lots of nice ladies from our church. I got to visit with lots of the grownups there, plus I got another little nap. :-)

When we got home I played with my toy (I found it that it turns!) and with my dog Pepper a little bit. Now that I've figured out how to work my hands I can grab his tail! I also grabbed his nose and I think that made him sneeze -- it was about the funnies thing I've ever seen! I laughed and laughed.

And now this evening I'm just trying to get some rest. Our air conditioner isn't working right and it was hot outside today. (Dad said it was 94 degrees!) It's not too cool in our house tonight, either. It makes it hard for a boy to sleep!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I'm Five today!

Five months, that is. Boy it sure seems like I should be older than that by now. I wonder if I'll ever get big enough to walk or ride a Big Wheel....

I'm having a good week. My teachers are great and I like going to the preschool. Mommy visits with me several times a day and my teachers are very nice to me (even when Mommy's not looking).

I'm also getting much better with my hands! I'm finally getting them to do what I want them to do, most of the time anyway. Tonight I took Mommy's malt away from her! I just reached out and grabbed it away so fast that she didn't even know what hit her! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! It was great! I couldn't figure out how to get that big cup in my mouth though....

I'm getting good at grabbing other things, too. One day last week I grabbed Dad's glasses and pulled them right off his face, all in one motion. And I'm getting really good at grabbing hair, too: Mommy's hair, my teachers' hair.... I can't quite get a handful of Dad's beard, but I've been trying.

Well it's a school night and it's past my bedtime, so good night. Dad says, "Don't take any wooden nickles." (I don't know what it means either. He says some goofy stuff.)

Sunday, June 1, 2008


My Cousin Emily is a star!

Tonight we went to a play at my Cousin Emily's church. She was the star of the play and she was great! She sang and said her lines and everything. She was so good that the grownups in charge gave her a present after it was over, and she got roses too. My Grandma and Grandpa Bare were there to see the play too, and they held me through the whole show. It was great!

After the play we went to Emily's house. Mommy and Daddy had sandwiches and slaw. I had a nap. (That play wore me out!) I got see Aunt Denise there, too!

I've had a pretty good week. Monday was a holiday so I only went to my school four days. My teachers were great as usual. Dad picked me up early on Tuesday night and we went to see Grandpa and Grandma Driever at Grandpa's office. Then I went home and Grandma Graybill came and stayed with me while Mommy and Daddy went to see some new baby at the hospital. Dad picked me up early on Wednesday, too, but we just went home to hang out.

Friday night we went to Miss Holly's house and I got to hang out with her son Jonathon and watch SpongeBob. Saturday was pretty uneventful -- we were home most of the day and Mommy, Daddy and I all took naps. (What a good day!) In the evening we went and rented a movie but I didn't get to watch it because it was rated PG. Today we went to that Italian place for lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Graybill. (Mommy had Tilapia, I had a bottle.) Tonight we went to the play.

Now you're up to date!

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