Saturday, November 29, 2008


Thanksgiving, Part 3

We just got home from this place called Louisville. It's somewhere in Kentucky and it's really cold there. We drove down Thursday morning, and when we got to our hotel all of my cousins from up north were there, too! (I guess they like the cold.) Plus Grandma and Grandpa Graybill were there, and my Great Aunt Kay (Grandma's sister) and my Great Uncle Olen (they're great!).

Well we all drove across the street to a big ballroom where they were serving another big Thanksgiving feast! The food wasn't as good as Mommy's or Grandma Bare's, but I had turkey and stuffing and all that stuff again (yum!) and it was all pretty good.
But the best part was that we all got to sit together at this one giant long table. There were about 100 of us there, and the table was so long that when I looked down to the far end of it I could see the curvature of the Earth.

Aunt Nicole and Uncle Richy were there too, and they sat on our end of the long table along with my Cousins Brooklyn, Hayley and Andrea. I had to sit across from my goofy cousin Rick -- he kept asking me if I wanted some wine, but I didn't. (He is pretty funny, though.)

After our big meal on Thursday, we all went back to our hotel and I got to go for a swim in the pool! That was big fun, even though the water was a little cold. I spent the evening with my Grandma while Mommy and Daddy played cards and games with my cousins -- I think they had fun but I had even more fun.

On Friday during the day we hung around the hotel and I had a nice long nap. Then in the evening we all went to downtown Louisville to see the Christmas lights. They didn't have very many lights when we go there, but we went into the Hard Rock Cafe for a bite to eat and when we came back out they had put up lights everywhere! There were thousands of them! It was really cool.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Thanksgiving, Part 2

Today Mommy, Daddy and I went to my Grandpa and Grandma's house out in the country and had another big Thanksgiving dinner! Oh man it was great!

I think it's about 900 miles from our house to Grandpa and Grandma's. We got up early in the morning and headed out, and it seemed like we drove forever (about half an hour I think) before I fell asleep in the car. Then I don't know how long we drove but when I woke up we were finally there. I played on the floor and visited with Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and my Cousin Emily while Mommy helped Grandma finish up our big meal.

Everything tasted great. I think I figured out how Mommy learned to be such a good cook -- my Grandma must have taught her! I had turkey and stuffing and everything again, just like at school. Except this time I think everything tasted even better, if that's possible. I really like all this Thanksgiving food!

But here's the best part: After our big meal I was sleeee-py again. (I'm telling you it's the turkey!) Well this time my Grandpa wanted to hold me, and I fell asleep on his chest for a nice long nap! I think I slept about two hours, right there on Grandpa's chest in his big easy chair. It was great!

After my nap it was time to head home. Luckily the drive home is not as long as the drive out there -- it only took about an hour and a half. I got to play a little in my living room, then I got my pajamas on, had a bottle and now I'm ready to go to sleep. What a good day!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Thanksgiving, Part 1

Today we had a big Thanksgiving meal for lunch at school. It was delicious -- I had turkey and stuffing and green beans and corn and sweet potatoes. Oh man it was good! And guess what: My mommy cooked all of it, for the whole school!

I had never eaten turkey before, but it was very good. I think Mommy was a little surprised that I was eating it (since I don't have very many teeth), but my teacher broke it into small pieces and I "gobbled" it up. :-)

And guess what else: My dad came and had lunch with me, at my school! I see Mommy there every day -- she's in and out of my room all the time. But Dad has never been there during the day before, so that was pretty cool. After lunch Dad and I sat in one of the big chairs for a few minutes, and I decided to take a little siesta. (Hey, turkey makes you sleepy!) When I woke up from my nap Dad was gone again, but it was nice to have lunch together.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


My first trip to the Zoo!

Mommy and Daddy and I went to the Cincinnati Zoo today! It was great! They have all kinds of animals there -- way more than we have at our house. I guess that's why it's one of the top-rated zoos in the United States.

We saw giraffes (oh man are they tall!) and elephants (they smell bad) and polar bears. We even got to hear a lion roar! No kidding! My Dad has been to the zoo like 200 times (he's really old) and he said he's never heard that before. It was pretty cool. Although I have to say it sounded nothing like my plastic walk-behind lion on wheels.

I was almost eaten by goat in the petting zoo. Hey don't laugh -- my Dad says those stupid goats will eat anything. I wasn't scared though -- Mommy and Daddy were both right there. Besides he was really funny looking, and his beard tickled a little. (The goat, not Daddy.)

I especially liked the giant blobs in the aquarium. Mommy says they're called manatees (she really likes them too) and they were huge! There were lots of fish in the giant aquarium, too. I could have sat there and watched the manatees and the fish for hours.

The only part I didn't like was the 4-D movie. Those first couple of D's were fine, and the third D seemed kinda silly but I guess it was OK too. But that fourth D is for the birds! I told Mommy to get me the heck out of there! (She did, of course. She always takes good care of me.)

But other than the movie spitting at me we had a very good day. The weather was very nice and we even got to ride the train! That was cool!

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