Saturday, January 10, 2009


I'm one

Now I'm whole. Until this week I've always felt fractional.

Yes, it's been one year since I was born. It's hard to believe. Of course I can barely remember yesterday -- it's all a blur to me.

Mommy threw a big party for me today. It wasn't a surprise or anything -- everybody knew about it. My actual birthday was on Monday, but I had to go to preschool so she waited until today to have the party, so I could be there too. It was lots of fun. I even got to eat chocolate cake, and man was it good!!!

After the cake I walked all the way across the kitchen! I am really getting the hang of this walking thing. Dad says we're going to some "kidney race" in the spring. I bet I'll be ready to run it.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


So this is Christmas...

It seems like all of my life everyone has been talking about "Christmas" and I didn't even know what it was! Well, now I know, and I think I like it!

When we got up this morning, I got to open presents!!! I wasn't too sure how to get the paper off so Mommy helped me. Guess what was inside? A new toy! Mommy helped me get it out of the box and I got to play with it for quite awhile. Then Mommy made me put it down and open... another present! Can you guess what was inside? Another new toy! Oh man do I like this Christmas thing!

Well I played with that toy for quite awhile too. Mommy had another present for me, but I was too busy to open it. Then it was time to for us to leave and go to Aunt Denise's house. Grandpa and Grandma Bare where there, too, and Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary. Everyone got presents, even me! By then I was getting the hang of this wrapping paper stuff, and got lots of great toys. The whole thing was BIG fun.

From there we were off to Grandma and Grandpa Graybill's house. We had a big meal (and more importantly, a nap!), and then... even more presents! It was great!

Tonight I am very tired, but what a great day. I think every day should be Christmas.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I'm looking forward

On most Fridays Mommy and I get up early in the morning and head off to school, but not today! Today we played hooky, and this morning Mommy finally turned my car seat around the right away!

Hooray! Now when we go somewhere in the car, I can actually see where we're going! I was getting so tired of only seeing where we've already been. For as long as I can remember I've been looking backwards, like a bumper sticker. Or one of those little toy dogs that sit in the back window with their head bobbing up and down.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Thanksgiving, Part 3

We just got home from this place called Louisville. It's somewhere in Kentucky and it's really cold there. We drove down Thursday morning, and when we got to our hotel all of my cousins from up north were there, too! (I guess they like the cold.) Plus Grandma and Grandpa Graybill were there, and my Great Aunt Kay (Grandma's sister) and my Great Uncle Olen (they're great!).

Well we all drove across the street to a big ballroom where they were serving another big Thanksgiving feast! The food wasn't as good as Mommy's or Grandma Bare's, but I had turkey and stuffing and all that stuff again (yum!) and it was all pretty good.
But the best part was that we all got to sit together at this one giant long table. There were about 100 of us there, and the table was so long that when I looked down to the far end of it I could see the curvature of the Earth.

Aunt Nicole and Uncle Richy were there too, and they sat on our end of the long table along with my Cousins Brooklyn, Hayley and Andrea. I had to sit across from my goofy cousin Rick -- he kept asking me if I wanted some wine, but I didn't. (He is pretty funny, though.)

After our big meal on Thursday, we all went back to our hotel and I got to go for a swim in the pool! That was big fun, even though the water was a little cold. I spent the evening with my Grandma while Mommy and Daddy played cards and games with my cousins -- I think they had fun but I had even more fun.

On Friday during the day we hung around the hotel and I had a nice long nap. Then in the evening we all went to downtown Louisville to see the Christmas lights. They didn't have very many lights when we go there, but we went into the Hard Rock Cafe for a bite to eat and when we came back out they had put up lights everywhere! There were thousands of them! It was really cool.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Thanksgiving, Part 2

Today Mommy, Daddy and I went to my Grandpa and Grandma's house out in the country and had another big Thanksgiving dinner! Oh man it was great!

I think it's about 900 miles from our house to Grandpa and Grandma's. We got up early in the morning and headed out, and it seemed like we drove forever (about half an hour I think) before I fell asleep in the car. Then I don't know how long we drove but when I woke up we were finally there. I played on the floor and visited with Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and my Cousin Emily while Mommy helped Grandma finish up our big meal.

Everything tasted great. I think I figured out how Mommy learned to be such a good cook -- my Grandma must have taught her! I had turkey and stuffing and everything again, just like at school. Except this time I think everything tasted even better, if that's possible. I really like all this Thanksgiving food!

But here's the best part: After our big meal I was sleeee-py again. (I'm telling you it's the turkey!) Well this time my Grandpa wanted to hold me, and I fell asleep on his chest for a nice long nap! I think I slept about two hours, right there on Grandpa's chest in his big easy chair. It was great!

After my nap it was time to head home. Luckily the drive home is not as long as the drive out there -- it only took about an hour and a half. I got to play a little in my living room, then I got my pajamas on, had a bottle and now I'm ready to go to sleep. What a good day!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Thanksgiving, Part 1

Today we had a big Thanksgiving meal for lunch at school. It was delicious -- I had turkey and stuffing and green beans and corn and sweet potatoes. Oh man it was good! And guess what: My mommy cooked all of it, for the whole school!

I had never eaten turkey before, but it was very good. I think Mommy was a little surprised that I was eating it (since I don't have very many teeth), but my teacher broke it into small pieces and I "gobbled" it up. :-)

And guess what else: My dad came and had lunch with me, at my school! I see Mommy there every day -- she's in and out of my room all the time. But Dad has never been there during the day before, so that was pretty cool. After lunch Dad and I sat in one of the big chairs for a few minutes, and I decided to take a little siesta. (Hey, turkey makes you sleepy!) When I woke up from my nap Dad was gone again, but it was nice to have lunch together.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


My first trip to the Zoo!

Mommy and Daddy and I went to the Cincinnati Zoo today! It was great! They have all kinds of animals there -- way more than we have at our house. I guess that's why it's one of the top-rated zoos in the United States.

We saw giraffes (oh man are they tall!) and elephants (they smell bad) and polar bears. We even got to hear a lion roar! No kidding! My Dad has been to the zoo like 200 times (he's really old) and he said he's never heard that before. It was pretty cool. Although I have to say it sounded nothing like my plastic walk-behind lion on wheels.

I was almost eaten by goat in the petting zoo. Hey don't laugh -- my Dad says those stupid goats will eat anything. I wasn't scared though -- Mommy and Daddy were both right there. Besides he was really funny looking, and his beard tickled a little. (The goat, not Daddy.)

I especially liked the giant blobs in the aquarium. Mommy says they're called manatees (she really likes them too) and they were huge! There were lots of fish in the giant aquarium, too. I could have sat there and watched the manatees and the fish for hours.

The only part I didn't like was the 4-D movie. Those first couple of D's were fine, and the third D seemed kinda silly but I guess it was OK too. But that fourth D is for the birds! I told Mommy to get me the heck out of there! (She did, of course. She always takes good care of me.)

But other than the movie spitting at me we had a very good day. The weather was very nice and we even got to ride the train! That was cool!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I'm on the move now!

For a good month or two I've been almost crawling. Mind you I've been able to grab onto the sheets and pull myself across the bed for forever (like five months or something). And I've mastered rolling on the floor, too: This has nothing to do with laughing, and my tushy hasn't fallen off, but I can roll from the far side of the living room all the way to kitchen in the blink of an eye if I want too.

I have even been crawling on my belly ("like a Marine," Dad says) for quite awhile. But that gets so tiring! I don't like to go very far like that.

And for the past few weeks I've been getting up on my hands and knees and trying to crawl, but I move one arm or one leg (or sometimes one of each) and then *BOOM* it's down to the floor for me. At first it scared me but lately it's just been really irritating.

Well today I finally got it all figured out, and I am on the move baby! My Grandpa and Grandma Bare came to visit today, and my Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary, and my Cousin Emily too. And we were all hanging around in the living room and dining room (it's really all just one big room, I don't know why my parents call it two rooms) and I was down on the floor. I got on my hands and knees and started across the room and everything just started working! The next thing I knew I was right where I wanted to be, and all of the grownups were very excited!

Now I'm going all over the house! Well all over the second floor, anyway -- Dad put up that plastic gate at the top of the stairs a couple of weeks ago and now I can't get downstairs. (I think he did it just to tick me off!) And sometimes Mommy closes the doors to her bedroom and the hall bathroom, so I can't get in there (yet). (Pretty soon I'll be tall enough to reach the doorknobs.)

I am finding all sorts of cool stuff in the other rooms, too. There are these really cool spots on the walls that Dad calls "outlets" (as in, "Raymond Zachary, stay away from that outlet!"). They are all over the place and they are absolutely fascinating. Plus I've found doorstops and dog toys and of course Mommy's shoes and stuff like that to chew on. It is great!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008



I went to see Dr. D. today. Mommy let me play on the floor while we waited. I got a clean bill of health, and I weigh 22 pounds now. I am 29.5 inches tall! That puts me in the 75th percentile for weight, and the 90th percentile for height!

Dad finally explained all this percentile stuff to me. Since I'm in the 75th percentile for weight, that means that out of every 100 kids my age, 75 of them weigh less than me and 25 weigh more. And only 10 out of 100 kids are as tall as me or taller!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Nine months and counting

Today I am nine months old! Being nine months old is hard. I have a bunch of teeth coming in and they really hurt. I haven't slept through the whole night in a long time -- it seems like every night I wake up with my mouth hurting. It hurts so bad that I start crying, and then Mommy comes and gets me. She gives me a bottle, and then I get to spend the rest of the night in bed with her and Daddy.

I don't know what is up with all of these teeth anyway. I already have two and they are perfectly fine -- why the heck do I need three more? And if I have to have them, why do they all three have to come in at once?

Other than my teeth hurting I am doing just fine. I have been going to school with Mommy. My teachers are still great. I am healthy and growing. Life is good. (Except for these teeth, of course.)

Monday, September 22, 2008



I haven't been keeping up with my blog. It started with me getting sick a few weeks ago, and man was I sick. There was some kind of nasty flu bug going around my school and it really knocked me down. I didn't feel very well for most of a week. I was starting to feel better and then... Dad got it too. He was really sick. He was so sick he missed a day of work! And he never misses work!

And then... Mommy got sick too. Now when I was sick Mommy took good care of me. Dad helped some but I don't know about you but when I'm sick I want my Mommy. Next Daddy got sick and Mommy took care of him, too. But when Mommy got sick Dad had to go out with those goofy musicians and she was home by herself. I went to Grandma's so she could just rest. (A couple of days later Grandma and Paps both got sick. Daddy took them fruit one night after work, but he didn't stay to visit!)

Finally everyone was well again and things got back to normal around our house. Then last Sunday afternoon it got really windy -- the trees were bending and cracking and leaves and branches were flying everywhere. A piece of our house even flew off! It was wild. Dad said some guy named Ike was outside but I can't imagine why.

And then our power went out. (I still don't know why.) It was kind of strange -- everything got really quiet and none of the lights worked. But it was still daylight so it wasn't any big deal. By Sunday evening it got dark -- really, really dark. Here's a picture of my bedroom Sunday night:

See what I mean? I couldn't see my hand in front of my face! I went to sleep in my crib at 10:00 PM, and around Midnight I woke up and it was pitch black and completely silent. It about scared the stuffing out of me!

Well then it got worse. Monday Mommy and I got up and went to school in the morning like we always do, but when we got home -- still no power. On Tuesday it was the same thing, except that Grandpa Bare brought us a generator! (Yea Grandpa!) He plugged in our refrigerator so all of food didn't spoil, and when Daddy got home he hooked up the TV and the lamp too. It may not sound like much but it was SO much better to have a some real light. (Mommy only has stink candles and they don't make much light.)

Wednesday morning we went to school, and Wednesday night we still didn't have any power. At least by then most of the restaurants near us had their power back on and we all got to go out to dinner. Not having electricity at our house wasn't so bad, although Mommy didn't like it at all, and I wasn't about to sleep in that pitch black bedroom by myself! (Don't tell Mommy and Daddy but I actually prefer sleeping in their bed with them anyway.)

Well Thursday came and went and we still didn't have power. And Friday. By Saturday Dad said he really thought they would get our power turned back on, but they didn't. Yesterday we got up and went to church, and we went to lunch with Grandma and Papsy. When got home... still no power. By last night it had been more than a week and our whole subdivision was still in the dark. Most of our neighbors had generators by then, and at night it sounded like a giant beehive or something outside.

Finally on our way to school this morning we saw a bunch of big trucks from the electric company all over our neighborhood. Hooray! Mommy was so excited she could hardly contain herself. Sure enough, when we got home tonight our electric was back on. After eight days we finally have cable TV again, and wireless high-speed Internet for blogging!

Life is good.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Street fest

Well I haven't been sleeping very well, but other than that it has been a good week. I've been watching more of the Olympics, which is big fun. That Phelps guy is pretty good. (He should see me in the bathtub, though.)

Friday night we stayed home, but Saturday night we went out to the Maderia Street Fest. The band DV8 was playing in the street, and they were very good. It was a nice night, too, and we had a good time.

Sunday we had lunch with Grandma and Grandpa, had a big nap. Daddy worked on Mommy's motorcycle, and Mommy and I sorted out all of my clothes. We boxed up the ones that are too small for me now so we can sell them on eBay. Oh yeah.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I have Olympic fever

Friday night Mommy went out to see my friend Shannon at the hospital. Don't worry, she's not sick -- she had a baby! I was sick Wednesday night, then on Thursday and again on Friday (I felt OK but I kept throwing up!) so I didn't go with Mommy to see little Hallie -- I wouldn't want to make her sick! (Don't worry about me, either: My Grandpa stopped at his office late Friday night just to meet Daddy and me and give me a chiropractic adjustment. After that it was like someone flipped a switch and I was 100% better!)

So anyway Dad and I were watching TV Friday night and the opening ceremony for the 29th Olympics were on. Oh man was that neat! All of those athletes from all over the world, all carrying their country's flag and smiling. It was really cool. I'm just sorry I missed the first 28 Olympics. (I wonder if Aunt Nicole has them on her TiVo....)

On Saturday we got to watch some Olympic swimming. It was really neat, and boy do those athletes swim fast. I think I'd like to swim like that someday. I bet I would be good at it. Heck you should see me now in the bathtub, and I'm only seven months old!

On Sunday morning we all went to church. This week Dad got up even earlier than Mommy and me because he was in charge of the sound board at church. Our church has three services every Sunday morning and this week he had to stay and work during all of them, even after Mommy and I left to come home. We went to lunch after he finally got home, but we didn't get to eat with Grandma and Grandpa because it was so late.

Sunday evening we got to see more swimming. The goofy announcers keep talking about some guy named Michael Phelps, but I never get to see him because he always swims after my bedtime. I hear he's not too bad, though.

This week I've been watching some swimming and some beach volleyball. Man those girls from the USA can play some volleyball! Wow!

But mostly I just think it's neat how everyone gets along so well. The athletes and even entire countries! There is a lady from Zimbabwe who is a great swimmer, and before one of her races the announcers told us what happened at the last Olympics: She won three medals, and after the Olympics ended and she went home to Zimbabwe, the had parades and celebrations for her and everyone got along, for a few days at least. How cool would that be, to bring a few days of peace to a country that is full of fighting?

I think my favorite swimmer is Dara Torres, though. I heard she won a Silver medal on Sunday, and she's as old as my Dad for crying out loud! And he's old! I figure in a couple of years he'll need a walker, and here's this lady not only swimming in the Olympics but winning medals! Wow!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


My mouth hurts

Oh man does my mouth hurt! Saturday it wasn't too bad -- Dad and I got up early and went to Grandma's house for the whole day! He was helping Papsy put some kind of wood on the floor called "Pergo." (I don't know what it means but that's a funny word -- Pergo.) Anyway we spent the whole day there, and I got to play with Grandma and my Cousin Hayley. It was great! Grandma even took the cushions from the couch and made a bed for us in the middle of the living room floor, and Hayley and I had a little siesta right there.

But Saturday night I woke up in the middle of the night with my mouth hurting so badly. Oh it was rough. Mommy calmed me down and I finally did get back to sleep, but it was not fun. Then Sunday we went to church, and then to that fish place where they have the big tank of lobsters. (Those things are creepy.)

Then Sunday evening I was in so much pain again. I had my bath which was big fun as always, but that was just a temporary distraction. By the time Dad and I got my pajamas on I was crying again. (Hey buddy, if your mouth hurt that bad you'd cry too!) Mommy rubbed that stuff on my gums to help make them numb (oh it tastes terrible) and that helped some, but they still hurt. I did finally fall asleep and I slept through the night.

Monday I went back to school and that's where it happened: My first two teeth came popping out of my gums. Everyone at my school was so excited. Well the grown-ups anyway, I don't think the other kids care one way or the other. Mommy cried a little (???) and of course had to call Daddy and tell him right away.

For those of you keeping score at home, they are on the bottom, front and center. There's one that you can see all the way across the top of the tooth, and the other just has one corner of it sticking out. Finally! Maybe now I can get a break from all of this aching in my mouth.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, but tonight Grandma was here at my house with me. I think Mommy had to work late, and Daddy had to go to some thing at the church, so I'm here hanging out with Grandma. I love it when she comes to visit. I think she likes it too, except tonight I may have thrown up on her just a little. OK it was more than a little. Both times. I couldn't help it though. I hope she'll still want to come back.... (I think she will.)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Remember me?

I've been neglecting my blog. I'm a busy kid! After our big beach trip I didn't sleep very well for a few days. Not at night, anyway. I slept OK during the day.

Since my last blog entry I've been going to my preschool with Mommy during the week, and spending time with Mommy and Daddy on the weekends. Two weekends ago they went out without me, though (to listen to some silly band) on Saturday night. I got to spend the evening with Grandma -- it was great! I had my nap in the afternoon and I was ready to play when Grandma got here. She gave me some prunes (mmmm, prunes...) and we played and then I had my bottle and went to bed. Sunday morning Mommy and Daddy were home and we went to church and then to that Italian place. I didn't get to see my friend Bea, though.

This past weekend we all went to my Grandpa and Grandma Bare's house. We rode out there with my Uncle Wayne, and I got to sit in the back with my Cousin Emily. It was great! I didn't mind the long drive (it takes about half the day to get there) since I got to hang out with Emily. Dad and Uncle Wayne and Uncle Paul helped Grandpa add a room onto his house. Mommy and Aunt Mary and Aunt Denise and I stayed inside since it was so HOT outside. But the hard-working men got a bunch of work done on the room. Grandpa said he'll have the roof finished this week.

Now it's back to the routine, except this morning we had to go to my school really early. I think someone it was my friend Holly's fault, but I'm not sure. And then some weird woman came into my classroom and scared the heck out of me. I found out later that she's Mommy's regional manager. Mommy says she's actually not scary, but at the time she seemed more like the regional lunatic!

Anyway I'm worn out now. Plus I've got Olympic fever. I'm heading to bed.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


The archives are fixed

Dad broke my archives, but today he fixed them again. (He can fix anything on a computer. Now if I could just get him to put my beach pictures online....)

You're welcome Kevin.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


It's good to be home

Well the beach was fun and it was great to see my cousins, but I'm home now and it's good to be home. We left the beach early yesterday morning. Not really early like cousin Cindy, and not really, really early like cousin Donna. But early. Around 9:15 in the morning I think.

Then we drove and drove and drove. Actually Mommy did the driving part -- I had a nice long nap. When we got to this place called Cary, North Carolina, we got off the highway and went to my old friends' house and I finally got to meet them!

A long, long time ago, back in ancient times (May), I told you about my friends I hadn't even met yet, Mary and Ibrahim. Well I finally got to meet them! It turns out they are even nicer than you imagined! Can you imagine that? Well I guess you can't or you already would have. Anyway they have a giant house on a lake, with a giant deck in the back (that Ibrahim built!), and they have rain forest in their back yard! There were about 600 kinds of plants back there. It was really neat. Dad said we were going to visit the Krohn Conservatory when we got home, but after visiting Mary and Ib's house we don't need to anymore.

Anyway we all went to lunch, then Mommy and Daddy and I checked into our hotel and had a nice siesta. And a bottle. It was great! Then around 5:00 PM or so we headed back to Mary's house for a cookout. My new friends Angela and Steve also came to Mary's house (with their tall sons), and my new friends Kevin and Johanna did too. Johanna was very pregnant -- she looked like she was ready to have a baby any minute. (And it turns out she was! She had a beautiful baby girl named Andrea this morning! How cool is that?)

By the way, does Andrea have a lot of hair or what??? I thought I was born with a lot of hair! This chick has me beat by a mile!

(Maybe when I learn to talk I'll ask her for a date. Maybe we can go to Target....)

Well we all had a very nice evening. Everyone there was so great. Johanna held me even though she probably wasn't supposed to lift anything that heavy. There was lots of laughing and way too much food (thanks Mary!), and everyone seemed to have a great time. Plus my friend Angela brought me a present -- a whole set of cars and trucks to play with! (Thanks Angela!) By the end of the night I was worn out and we headed back to the hotel for some shut-eye.

This morning we didn't have to get up quite so early. We checked out of the hotel and went back to Mary and Ib's house (and there was still a ton of food there!). From there we all went to a really nice restaurant for breakfast, and Mary held me for the longest time, even after her food came -- it was great! Daddy had eggs for breakfast. Mommy had a hamburger. I had a bottle, and some prunes. Mmmm, prunes....

After breakfast we said our goodbyes and got back on the highway for home. Oh man it was a loooong way. We drove and drove and drove and drove. Of course I slept most of the time because, well, that's what I do. :-) We stopped in West Virginia for dinner at that Australian place, and walked around the city block to stretch our legs. (OK I rode in the stroller, but it was still nice to be out of the car.) Then we got back in the car and drove and drove and drove some more.

We finally got home tonight just after 11:00 PM, and even though my bedtime is normally around 10:00 or 10:30, guess what -- I'm wide awake! I think Mommy wants to go to bed but I'm ready to play! Woo hoo!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I'm a beach bum!

Today I went into the ocean! Well, first I sat on the beach and the ocean came to me. It was pretty neat -- Mommy and I were just sitting there on the sand, and then a big wave came crashing towards us and a little trickle of water rolled right up the beach to where we were sitting. Then it turned around and rolled back out.

Yesterday I sat on the beach and felt the sand. I even tasted a little bit of it. (It's not very good.) But today was the first time I went into the water. (I tasted the water, too. Very salty!)

After we sat on the beach for awhile, Dad brought my little inflatable seat down to us and we all went out into the ocean. At first Dad was just carrying me, and I was just watching the waves crashing around his feet. That was pretty cool. Then Dad put me in my little raft, and the waves started crashing over me, and that just wasn't any fun. We tried going out a little farther, but the waves were just too strong today and we decided to head back to shore.

After our big adventure in the waves we went back up to the beach house and got in the pool! Yes, our house is so nice that it even has a pool just for me! Well Mommy got in with me even though it's really not for grown-ups. I guess she didn't want me to drown. That seems like a good goal.

I liked playing in the pool. The only waves in there were the ones I made when I smacked the water with both hands. (I'll show that water who's boss!)

Tonight the grown-ups had some kind of lunch meat sandwiches and potato chips for dinner. (That sounds more like lunch to me.) I had some squash and then some prunes -- they were both very good. And a bottle, of course.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


It's my (half) birthday!

I'm one-half today! Man this is great. I was so sick of being zero. I feel like I've been zero my entire life. Finally I've reached a major milestone: one-half.

For my (half) birthday Mommy and Daddy packed up everything and drove me halfway across North America. I went to sleep in my new carseat on the Fourth of July, and when I woke up this morning we were in Virginia! (The birthplace of Democracy, Dad says. Whatever that means.)

We left Virginia this morning and drove to my Great Aunt Judy's house for her wedding. She lives on a mountainside somewhere in the middle of North Carolina, and her wedding was nothing like any wedding I've ever been to. Of course I've only been to one before today, but I'm telling you the one today was nothing like that one.

For starters, at my cousin Erin's wedding, Erin was wearing shoes. Also her wedding was in a church, not a yard. And the guests were dressed nicer (well, except the photographer). But I suppose the end result was the same: The bride and groom ended up married. And that's the main thing.

It was great to see my Great Aunt again. She came all the way from North Carolina to my house to visit me. (Now I know just how far that was!!!) And my cousin Alicia was there (I was glad to see her again, she is so sweet), and my Great Aunt Darlene, and my Grandpa and Grandma Driever. Plus I got to meet my cousins Jalina, Jeremy, Dallas and John. They are all very nice but they need to quit smoking. We left early because there were so many people smoking all around us, and my little lungs aren't ready for that.

From there we drove forever and we're still in North Carolina! But now we're at the beach! I can't wait to see the ocean in the daylight -- it sure sounds neat. I can kinda see the waves but it's dark now.

Our big beach house is really nice. A bunch of my cousins from northern Ohio are here -- even my cousin Erin and her new husband Josh! (They just got married last weekend and now here they are again!) My other cousins who are here are Cindy and Rick, Steve and Donna, Ashleigh and Cass, Erin and Josh, and Lynsey and Leah. It seems like someone is missing... but that's the whole list.

Mommy and Daddy and I have our own bedroom upstairs, and all four of the newlyweds are in the big master bedroom across the hall. Everyone else is in the three bedrooms downstairs. There is also a kitchen, dining room and living room all in one big area downstairs. Plus we have a big deck, a walkway right out to the beach, a three-car garage and a hot tub!

We are staying here a week. I am hoping to write a little something in my blog several times during our stay. And maybe I can get Mommy to put some more pictures on my website, too. This is going to be great!

Friday, July 4, 2008


Happy Birthday America!

Happy Fourth of July! Dad says today is the day our country was born. But it wasn't really TODAY, it was something like 230 years ago on the Fourth. I think that was even before Grandpa Graybill was born! (And Dad says my Grandpa is so old that when he was little like me he had a pet dinosaur!)

So my dad was reading to me about the recent elections in Zimbabwe. (He has to read it to me because, well, for one thing I haven't learned to read yet, and for another I haven't figured out how to work the Google.) Listen to this: They have this guy who is in charge down there, and he's evil. Anyone who disagrees with him gets put in jail, or beaten up, or worse. Well another man stood up and said, "If you vote for me in the next election, I will make things better." So then the guy in charge threatened to hurt him and his family and scared him so much that he stood up again and said, "Um, never mind -- I'm not going to run for office after all."

So then the guy in charge went ahead and held the election anyway. Both his name and the other guy were on the ballot, but he had these thugs who stood over people as they voted to make sure they only voted for him. And if people didn't vote at all, they got in trouble for that too!

Now the people who live in Zimbabwe have basically given up hope.

These are poor people, too. They don't have enough food to eat, and when they go to Kroger's to get more, all the shelves are empty. Can you imagine if you went to the store and there wasn't any food there you could buy?

Out of every 100 baby boys born in Zimbabwe, eight will die while they are still a baby. (That's 127 baby boys who die for every one in America.) The rest, on average, will only live to be 37 years old -- the shortest time of any country in the world.

In America, most people are overweight. In fact we have so much food here that we sell our extras to other countries. We have great doctors and hospitals (like mine!), and babies can expect to live to be 78 years old (on average).

America is not perfect, but today I say "Happy Birthday America!"

And boy am I glad that I was born here!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


My cousin's wedding

I went to my first wedding this weekend. Grandma and Grandpa Graybill came to our house Saturday morning and they rode with Mommy, Daddy and me all the way to northern Ohio. It was a long drive but I slept most of the way. Of course we had to stop at Chipotle because we had my Grandpa with us and he always wants to eat there.

We stayed in a nice hotel in Findlay, Ohio. We checked in Saturday afternoon and unloaded the car and changed our clothes for the wedding. I wore my new suit and I looked good. Then we drove out into the country to the church.

The wedding was very nice. My cousin Erin looked so beautiful in her white gown. My cousin Leah was the maid of honor, and my cousins Ashleigh and Lynsey were bridesmaids. The ceremony was a little long for my taste -- I got a little bored toward the end. But it was nice and it seemed to be effective: By the end of it Erin and Josh were married.

After the wedding there was a big party called a "reception." I had never been to one of those before but it was very nice too. My cousin Steve gave a very good toast to his daughter and new son-in-law. Then my cousin Leah gave them a toast and I think it was even better than her dad's! After all the talking everybody ate dinner and cake and all that (I had a bottle). Then there was lots of dancing, and I even got to dance with the bride! (I had to let her lead.) My cousin Leah held me for quite awhile, too, which was great!

Then it was back to the hotel for the night, and Sunday morning we went to cousin Steve's house. Josh and Erin were there, too, and they opened all their gifts (a bunch of them!). Around Noon we were back on the road for the long drive home. Mommy started feeling really sick, and she had a fever and everything. By the time we got home she was feeling terrible. Dad and I tried to take care of her but I wasn't much help and Dad wasn't much better.

Yesterday Mommy was still very sick and she and I stayed home from school. Around 5:00 we went to Grandpa Driever's office and got chiropractic adjustments, and after that Mommy started feeling much better.

Today Mommy is feeling much better, but tonight Dad is sick. I hope he feels better tomorrow.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Another great Great weekend

I had another great weekend. Friday evening I went to that lobster place with Mommy and Daddy. We didn't eat any lobsters but I did see them swimming around in the lobby. (Man are they ugly.)

Saturday we rode out to Grandma and Grandpa Bare's house. This time we went with Uncle Wayne in his giant truck car. He and Dad sat in the front seats, Mommy and Aunt Mary sat in the middle seat and my Cousin Emily and I sat in the back seat. I got to ride in my new giant baby seat and my Cousin Emily talked to me and played with me. It was great! Uncle Wayne is a good driver, by the way.

My Grandma and Grandpa live about half way across the world from here, so it took us most of the day to drive there. Plus we stopped at Wal-Mart on the way. Uncle Wayne bought a big cake to celebrate my Cousin Emily's birthday. (Happy Birthday Emily!) She is really old -- she's twelve now!

Anyway when we finally got to Grandpa and Grandma's house we had a Great surprise: My Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa were there! I sure was glad to see them. My Great-Grandpa is so nice and so wise. My Great-Grandma is nice too, and she is so funny. But I don't know how they stay married -- they're not at all alike: Great-Grandma talks all the time, and my Great-Grandpa hardly says a word.

Mommy took my new pool with us, and I got to swim with my Cousin Emily. My goofy Grandma even got in with us too, and she had her long pants on! I love the water and it was big fun.

Saturday night I didn't sleep very well. I think I woke up four or five times during the night. For some reason Mommy was really tired Sunday morning -- she didn't even feel like going to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Graybill! Dad and I went and she stayed home and slept. After lunch I had a nap of my own, on the couch with Mommy. (Oh yeah!)

Dad was working and Mommy had to leave, so Grandma Graybill came and stayed with me yesterday evening. That was great, too -- much better than hanging around that Italian place at lunch time.

Today I went to school. My teacher, Miss Beverly, let me hold my own bottle and I drank the whole thing by myself! (I may have dropped it once or twice.) My teachers are great!

This evening Dad and I went out in street and visited with our neighbors. My friend Michael gave me some nice hiking boots -- I can't wait to learn how to hike! And my friend Haley gave me the coolest tie-die shirt! And their Mommy said she might be able to get some free passes to the big pool for my Mommy and me! They are just the nicest people!

Well I've had some prunes and a bottle and now I'm flat worn out. I'm going to bed!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Over and over

What an exciting weekend! I had my first sleepover, with Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and my Cousin Emily! It was great!!! Last night Mommy and Daddy took me to their house, and I spent the whole evening there. I got to play with my Cousin Emily, we watched a movie and I had a bottle. What a great evening!

Then when it was time for bed, I got to sleep in Emily's room with her! It was great! Uncle Wayne setup my bassinet in her room, and I got to sleep in there all night! (OK I almost slept all night. I woke up about 1:30 in the morning, Aunt Mary gave me a bottle and I went back to sleep.)

Mommy and Daddy came and picked me up this morning, and the best part of all was that Uncle Wayne said I can come back and spend the night anytime! Yea!

Then this afternoon I went on my first sound job with Daddy! It was neat, and the music was good, too. He was running sound for Twistlock and they were playing at an outdoor festival. Mommy and I only stayed for the first set because it was hot hot hot here today, but it was still pretty neat. I got to go backstage and meet the band and everything!

After Mommy and I got back home and got cooled off, I had a little nap and then Mommy put me on the floor on my stomach. I didn't like laying on my stomach, so I figured out how to roll myself over! I have been trying to do that for a couple of weeks or so, but I hadn't quite figured it out until today.

Tonight I had a bath and a bottle, and now I'm sitting on the couch with Mommy and Daddy for awhile. Dad and I tried to call Grandpa tonight to wish him a happy Father's Day, but he wasn't home so we left a message. Mommy is looking at little zoot suits on (she is so strange).

It's been a big day and I'm tired. I'm going to bed.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was Mommy and Daddy's wedding anniversary! Mommy says they have been married for three years! Can you imagine anything lasting that long? That's more than six lifetimes. (Well six of my lifetimes, anyway.)

Of course we all had to do the usual Wednesday things: Dad went off to work in the morning and Mommy and I went to preschool. I had a good day there: My teachers were great (as always) and Mommy came into my room to see me a few times during the day.

Dad actually came to pick me up from school before Mommy was ready to leave (instead of working half the night like he does sometimes). He and I went home and let my dogs out, and then shortly Mommy got home too. Then we all went to Japan for dinner. Mommy and Daddy both had steak and chicken, and I had a bottle. Mommy ate hers with two sticks again (I don't know why). After dinner the Japanese lady came over to our table and talked to me for quite awhile. (She is very nice, and she has a daughter who's about 9 months older than I am.)

Mommy got some pretty red roses for their anniversary. Daddy got his favorite candy. (I think he got the better end of that deal!)

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Dedicated to me

Today was a big day. This morning we all got up early and went to church, and we we got there my Grandma G. was there, and Grandpa and Grandma D., and Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and Aunt Nicole, and my Cousins Emily, Brooklyn, Hayley and Andrea! It was great! Grandma held for awhile, then Aunt Nicole held me for awhile, then Mommy held me.

The music was great as always. The sermon was very good one, too: Four things a child needs to learn when they're growing up. Of course I don't remember what any of those things were because I'm just a baby and babies aren't very good at remembering things. I like our preacher though. He has a funny accent.

The best part was that today's service was dedicated to the babies (including me!). Or something like that. At the end of the sermon the minister asked all the parents with babies and little kids to come up to the front of the sanctuary. Mommy and Daddy and I went up there and the minister talked for a little bit. (I don't remember what he said because babies don't have good memories and besides that I was asleep.) All I know is that I woke up and the whole thing was over and there were lots and lots of parents standing up there with babies. It was pretty cool.

Then we went to that Italian place for lunch with Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma. My friend Bea took our orders and brought us food. Except she didn't bring my food -- I had a bottle. Mommy brought that in her giant black purse.

Then Grandma and I went back to my house and I had a little nap and then I played with Grandma for a little bit -- that was big fun. After that I went to a baby shower with Mommy, but it was nothing like I expected. (I didn't even get wet!) It turns out it was for my friend Shannon (who is not a baby but is going to have one soon). My auntie Gail was there too, and lots of nice ladies from our church. I got to visit with lots of the grownups there, plus I got another little nap. :-)

When we got home I played with my toy (I found it that it turns!) and with my dog Pepper a little bit. Now that I've figured out how to work my hands I can grab his tail! I also grabbed his nose and I think that made him sneeze -- it was about the funnies thing I've ever seen! I laughed and laughed.

And now this evening I'm just trying to get some rest. Our air conditioner isn't working right and it was hot outside today. (Dad said it was 94 degrees!) It's not too cool in our house tonight, either. It makes it hard for a boy to sleep!

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